I officially began learning programming during my freshman year, with a focus on the C language. Throughout my college years, I also studied several other languages, but as I haven't used them for a long time, I don't remember much about them now. At present, I mostly recall the frontend-related knowledge I self-taught myself starting in my sophomore year.
I am also interested in Rust and Lua. Currently, I only have basic knowledge of them, but I plan to learn them more thoroughly when I have more time.
Sometimes, I also use Svelte to create web components, and occasionally use Less or Sass to write CSS. However, currently, I prefer using Tailwind CSS. I also use Nest.js to build some simple Node.js backend API services. In general, whenever there's something new coming out, I'm always excited to give it a try. It's really enjoyable.
I typically use my Mac Mini with iTerm2 and NeoVim to write code. I also have a customized keyboard with keys positioned similarly to the HHKB, as well as a Logitech G304 mouse.
The majority of the text above was translated for me by ChatGPT XD